Please note: The meeting will be held via Zoom call July 28 at 6pm. If you have an interest in the presentation and would like to be invited to the Zoom call, lease email You may also email comments or questions to the same address to be read into the public record until 5pm the day of the meeting.



I. Call to order (6:00 p.m.)

II. Introductions of committee members and guests (6:00-6:05 p.m.)

III. Approval of the previous minutes (6:05-6:10 p.m.)

IV. Presentation

The Line Urban Flats on Monon, 6364 Westfield Blvd., Amanda Waldrup

With A-1 Expeditors, LLC seeking required signage plan approval for permit requests. (6:10-6:30 p.m.)

V. Committee Discussion/Information (6:30-6:50 p.m.)

VI. Adjournment of the meeting and confirmation of next meeting.

August 25, 2020 6:00 P.M. – Location TBD