1. What are your hours?

The Summer Market opens Saturday mornings at 8:00 am May-September and at 9:00 am in October.  No customers are admitted to the Market prior to opening.  The Market closes at 12:00 noon.

2. Where is the Market located this season?

We are back at Glendale Town Center at 6001 N. Rural Street, located behind Lowe’s.  This is where we were located last year.

3. Where do I park at the Market?

We have ample parking at our Market location! There is a parking lot located just north of the Market itself. There is also overflow parking available across Rural Street north of the movie theater. View the parking map here.

4. Is there a vendor map?

Yes, you will always find the weekly vendor map on our main web page. The Market is laid out with vendors on three sides with a middle row.  The vendors serving breakfast items are located on the eastside of the Market. There are also tables and chairs located at the ends of the middle row where customers may sit and eat. You will also find our weekly live musical entertainment nears these tables.

5. Are dogs allowed at the Market?

Yes, well-behaved dogs on short leashes are allowed at the Market. Dog owners should consult the Dog Rules.

6. Where are the restrooms?

There are two portolets located in the northeast corner of the Market by the exit.  A hand-washing station is located nearby.

7. Where are the trash cans?

The trash cans are centrally located in the middle of the Market next to the Indy Go Green tent in the middle row of vendor booths.  Please separate your trash into the three receptacles: landfill, recycling, and composting.  There are signs to assist you.

8. Is smoking allowed at the Market?

No, we are a smoke-free Market and smoking is not allowed within the Market area and parking lots.  This includes vaping devices.

9. Is there a Lost and Found?

Yes, check the BRFM Information Booth at the Entrance/Exit of the Market.  If you discovered you left something important behind after the Market closed, email us at info@brfm.org.

10. Do the farmers use chemicals on the produce?

All of our farmers use organic (chemical-free) growing practices. The Norman Mullet Farm is Certified Organic.

11. Does all of the produce and other products actually come from local farms?

Yes! All produce, meat, and poultry is raised by the farmer present at the Market. We suggest you talk to the farmer who is usually at their booth to learn more.  We prioritize products which are grown or raised using environmentally responsible, sustainable, and humane methods. (Note: there are a few exceptions such as shrimp/seafood that may be approved by the Market).

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